After spending the majority of last week in bed, I started feeling better Sunday morning. I cannot remember the last time I was that sick. And while I never made it a point to get a flu shot, after last week, it will be a yearly thing for me...I will do whatever I can to avoid having another week like last week! Since I was no longer confined to my bed, I decided it was time to get back into the exercise routine.
It started off innocently enough with a 45 minute spin on the bike Monday morning before heading into court. Once again, I will say how much I LOVE my CycleOps trainer. After an uneventful morning in court and a long day of playing catch up in the office, I needed to unwind a little and headed to the gym with the future roommate (and fellow crazy athlete), Staci. I spent about 45 minutes on the treadmill walking briskly enough to put in 3 miles but still having enough breath to catch up and talk with Staci. By the time I got home last night, I was feeling FANTASTIC! It's so good to be back in good spirits and feeling well again :-)
Then came this morning. Since I did so well yesterday, and because there was only a light dusting of snow this morning not requiring too much scraping of the car, I headed to the pool. And then my body decided it hated me. The guys at practice are always giving me crap for a myriad of reasons...I wait until exactly 6:00 to get in the water, I missed a Thursday morning because Wednesday night got a little out of hand, I decide I don't want to do a kick set so I change it, etc. And usually I don't mind it because I can hold my own and hang with them on the main set. Well, NOT TODAY! My body essentially went through shock after doing nothing for a week then trying to swim like I normally do.
I was feeling pretty good through our warm up. 3 x 100 on the 1:45; 200 IM 25 drill, 25 kick; 8 x 50 kick, underwater middle 12.5 on the 1:20, 3 x 100 build on the 1:40. Piece of cake. I was feeling alright and had a decent rhythm going. Granted, I was a little slower than usual but I was doing ok. Then we got to the main set. We were supposed to do it twice through but time contraints (and my body's reaction) said I could only do one round. First up was 3 x 100 on the 1:30 followed by a 200 IM on the 3:40. Then came the biggest challenge. 400 free on a 1:25 base. Yeah, that wasn't happening this morning. So I opted to do the middle 200 of it. Then the first round ended with 4 x 50 sprint freestyle. Those actually went pretty well and although I felt incredibly weak, I put up some decent times. Then it was almost 7:00 and I had to get out so I could dodge the crazies that don't know how to drive in the snow. So today's swim workout including my half-assed warmdown at the end totaled 2200 meters. Not too shabby for the first time back. Hopefully I'll keep feeling better and Thursday morning will be a much better experience :-)
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