I'm enjoying the remainder of my lunch break and realized that I haven't done much updating in the past couple days. Then when I really think about it, I had kind of a slacker week last week. It started off strong coming back to Chicago from Indy. I jumped right into a new week and was feeling pretty good. I seem to be struggling with getting in my Thursday evening bikes. This is mainly because I like to go to Buffalo Wild Wings with my coworkers after work and biking after wings and beer just doesn't sound fun. This past week, however, I had a much better excuse not to ride:
Unfortunately, my sister-in-law's sister was in the hospital so Kate packed up the kids and came to Chicago. My brother was in LA for business and couldn't get here till Thursday night. So Aunt Cari had to come to the rescue and take some time off work to babysit and play with the kids. It was definitely more fun than biking! I was glad that I got to spend some time with my favorite little kiddos and I'm fairly certain that chasing around a 3 year old and a one and a half year old constitutes working out! And to all my followers: keep sending up some prayers for Kate's sister Erin, her husband Michael, and new baby Jacob!
Then we got to the weekend and I was just too busy Saturday to get in my long bike ride. And by busy, I mean, I had interviews all morning until 2. Then I took a nap. When I woke up, I immediately met my friends at the bar at 5:30 Saturday evening. And the last portion of that explains why I didn't get in my long run on Sunday...or anything else I was supposed to accomplish on Sunday besides laying on the couch and catching up on TV.
So Monday rolls around and I switched my "rest" day and made up for Sunday on Monday. Got in a decent 60 min run at the gym before heading to the office. I've decided that Tuesdays are my favorite training day. I really like swimming and the afternoon/evening run I do is usually pretty good. Swim practice was more of a distance set (which is not my favorite). BUT, I finished it and felt accomplished! The main set was a ladder up then down. Going up, we held pace with a 1:20 base. Coming down, everything was sprint with a 1:45 base. So we did pace 100 on 1:20, 200 on 2:40, 400 on 5:20, and 800 on 10:40. Then we did sprint 800 on 14:00, 400 on 7:00, 200 on 3:30, and 100 all out. I did the 100 in 1:11...not too shabby for it being the last thing we did in practice.
My Tuesday afternoon got a little jumbled because my normal routine is to hit the gym right after court. But, I had an eye doctor appointment and was forced to go to the gym after the office. Note to self: GYM IS PACKED IN THE EVENING!!!!! I drove around for like 10 minutes before finding a parking spot then had to search for a treadmill. I finally found one facing the back of the gym instead of the TV's. :-( I made it through though and put in a solid performance for another 60 min run.
This morning was a 45 min spin on the bike then a 15 minute run. I felt pretty good during it but now both of my calves are incredibly tight. I'm not real sure how to loosen them up but it's not exactly a pleasant feeling. I am ok when I am just sitting at my desk but when I have to get up and walk somewhere, I kind of hate my life. So I'm looking into some options on how to battle this tightness. Suggestions are welcome! (Free massages are also encouraged).
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