Sunday, May 8, 2011


Well, Ironman Louisville is 15 weeks from today! I started this journey 15 weeks ago. I can't believe I am halfway there. I'm not really sure where the past 15 weeks have gone. I did a really good job at the beginning of training...and of blogging about it. And recently I have slacked off on both. So let's see where I am:

Swimming - this is the one leg I KNOW I am rocking! I haven't upped it to three swimming days per week yet (even though my schedule says I should have started that a few weeks ago). But, I am feeling pretty good in the water. From February until last week, we were swimming short course yards. For the whole month of April, we were relegated to the small pool at UIC and had to share the pool with the triathlon club. That was a little frustrating with so many people in the pool but we made it through :-) Then last week we went back to the big pool and jumped right into long course meters. My first day back in long course, Andy kicked my ass. We started off with a twenty minute warm up. Then went right into a mile for time. The last time we did that for time was back in August. I don't remember my time then but this week, I did it in 22:51. Then we did a 300 kick and 3 x 100 descend. Next up: 500 for time. Did that one in 7:31. Throw in an easy 100 then it was a 100 all out sprint, that I did in 1:19.8. Not too shabby if you ask me. Thursday was another pretty good day and I'm getting stronger every day in the water.

Biking - this one is a struggle. The weather has not been too cooperative with me lately. I'm supposed to be doing 3 hour rides on Saturdays but it has been cold. I'm not going to lie...I'm a wuss in cold weather and I will NOT bike when it is cold outside. Running I can handle but I cannot do the cold wind in my face. I also an waaaaay too ADD to sit on a stationary bike for 3 hours. So the longest ride I have gotten in has been only about an hour. Wednesdays are pretty good for me though and I bike for 45 minutes and go straight into a 15 minute run. Other than that though, I am lacking (and slacking) on the bike. I need to get back in gear there. The weather today was gorgeous though so hopefully I'll be able to get in some good rides soon.

Running - I'm doing alright here. I've let my Saturday nights get in the way of my Sunday morning runs. So I haven't gotten in as much distance as I would like. I did, however, get out today and put in 8 miles. My feet and knees are a little sore afterwards but I feel good. I've not been able to get in my two a days in my schedule because I don't have the time. We switched up the court schedule again too so I'm not quite sure how that is going to affect things. I guess we are just going to have to wait and see. But for now, I'm getting in what I can.

I have 15 weeks to go and a LOT of goals to reach before that day. I'm re-centering myself and focusing on my training again. Let's see where it gets me!

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