Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What's up next?

I haven't posted since right after Ironman and I never added any photos. So I will do that first. Here are a few from the race as well as my favorite...the giant leap across the finish line at approximately 11:45pm.

Now that those are out there, I can get on with the new excitement.

I am resurrecting this blog site so that you all (my faithful readers) can help keep me accountable. I have set two new goals for 2012. I will track my progress here (and of course on Facebook) so you all can give me shit if/when I lose motivation. So here we go...

My first goal is 12 in 12. I am going to run twelve half marathons in 2012. I have not quite determined which races I am going to do each month but I have decided on January and February. I will begin this quest with the F^ing Freezing Lake Half Marathon here in Chicago on January 28. February I will be walking the Disney Princess Half Marathon with my mom on February 26. My thoughts are that the first few (January - March-ish) will be easier runs just building up my endurance. April-June are going to be a little more intense trying to increase my speed and decrease my time. July and August will probably be easier due to the heat factor. September and October I am going to go for a personal record then November and December will be a nice easy end to my year. The idea is to keep almost all of these races in the Chicagoland or Indianapolis area so that I don't have to travel far or pay for accommodations. I am really looking forward to this as a chance to improve my running and keep myself in shape year round.

My second goal for 2012 is to lose the excess weight I've been carrying around for a while. I've always yo-yo'd with my weight. Even in high school, I have always had some extra padding that wasn't quite necessary. About two years ago, I found myself at my ideal weight. Unfortunately, I didn't get there in the healthiest manner so I knew it would only be short lived. Then I found myself graduating from law school and studying for the bar exam. I, like many people, am a stress eater. So the stress of studying for the most important exam of my life coupled with my insane sweet tooth led me right back where I started. What really did me in and made me decide to make 2012 my year was this past weekend. I went to buy a new pair of jeans and for the first time in two years, I had to buy a size 10 in Express jeans. The 8's that always fit so nicely and comfortably were too tight. That was the final kick in the ass I needed.

This morning, I hopped on the scale and made a vow that this is the last time I will see 164 pop up on the digital screen. {side note...kind of hating that I put that number out there for all the world to see, but hopefully having to post that number will keep me motivated} I signed up for three months of Weight Watchers online this morning and began tracking. My ultimate goal is to be able to report back around this time next year that I have lost twenty pounds. But that is a big goal for me and I'm not focusing on that just yet. I'm starting out small to keep myself motivated and to keep the goal realistic. So I'm starting out with a goal of losing 5% of my current weight before I go on vacation to Cancun in four weeks.

So 2012 is going to be MY YEAR!!!!!!!!!

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