Saturday, February 19, 2011

My Butt Hurts

So, my butt can tell that it hasn't ridden a bike in a while. Today was the longest ride I've had thus far in my training program and my rear-end is feeling it. And sadly, I had to cut my ride 15 minutes short because I just couldn't sit there any longer. After an hour and a half of sitting on a not-so-comfortable bike seat not moving anywhere but watching a Law and Order SVU marathon, I called it quits. I've got the padded shorts on and everything but couldn't do it anymore. Nevertheless, it was a good spin session. I can already tell that my legs are getting stronger and the time passed a lot more quickly than I expected it would.

This week was pretty tough in the training world. And I made all but one workout. Unfortunately, I just couldn't get myself off the couch Friday to go for a run. I got home from court around 3:30, got sucked into Jeopardy, and stayed there until it was dark out. So I missed an hour run. Other than that though, I completed every scheduled workout.

Tuesday morning's swim was excellent. The main set was 2 x 200 free, 2 x 500 free, 4 x 200 free, then 1 x 500 free. The times were 2:45 on the 200's and 6:00 on the 500's. It kicked my ass but I felt GREAT afterwards. Niles (one of the guys I regularly swim with) kept me motivated and he and I finished the set together. Tuesday's run on the other hand, was brutal. I need to tweak the Tuesday schedule a little bit. Typically, I get up, swim, eat breakfast, go to court, run, then eat lunch. However, by the time I get to the gym for that run, my breakfast has long burned off. I barely finished my 45 minutes and felt like I was going to pass out. So we're going to have to work on that.

Thursday was a struggle too just because by the time I got home from work, I just did NOT want to get on the bike. But, after a small fight with myself, I did it. I just need to keep up the motivation and I'll be ok.

On the schedule for tomorrow is another hour run. That shouldn't be a problem for me. I was supposed to go out tonight but I think those plans are falling through so I have no excuse not to get up and run before church. 27 weeks left! Let's get it!

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